How time, nature and place influence productivity and motivation

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Businessman with a superhero shadow
Posted on Thursday, 8th November, 2018 - 11:11

We know a motivated staff is more efficient and productive. In fact, there have been many studies on this topic, like Gallup’s study titled ‘How to Tackle U.S. Employees’ Stagnating Engagement’. Managers, directors and companies feel the need to adopt new ideas and ways to improve motivation and performance.
Most employees agree they’re more productive with the right motivation and job satisfaction. People are motivated by different influences. Individuals have a range of driving forces, internal and external, which promote their motivation. Among them are intellectual, emotional, social and biological factors.
Another Gallup study showed that traditional approaches to improving motivation and productivity are not up to scratch in today’s workplace. Their findings showed that:

  • Only 2 in 10 employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them.
  • Just 30% of employees strongly agree that their manager involves them in setting goals.
  • Employees involved in the goal setting process are 3.6 times more likely to be engaged.
  • 21% of employees strongly agree they have performance metrics that they are able to control.
  • 14% of employees strongly agree that their performance reviews inspire them to improve.
  • 26% of employees strongly agree that the feedback they get helps them work better.


The time influence

Some managers, coaches, and mentors will take the time to know their staff better. They’ll include the staff in setting not only the employee’s own goals, but those of the organization too. This helps build better working relationships, thereby improving motivation. Try adopting a more targeted, specific approach in motivating employees. By understanding their aspirations and helping set their own goals, you can go a long way to improving their performance level.

The nature influence

Self-empowerment is a strong motivating influence. When employees have the confidence to solve problems and make their own decisions, they can set realistic goals. Many employees will better understand their career path and motivate the team’s performance. This also helps employees absorb the organization’s “bigger picture” and the part they play in it. In doing this, they’ll see their value to the organization and the impact of reaching their goals.

The place influence

The workplace can impact employee performance and their ability to carry out the job. Provide a safe, positive, employee-friendly culture, along with the right tools for their work. Many employees value flexible work time and HR policies. For them, childcare and options to work from home help their work-life balance. This makes them more motivated at work, increasing performance and productivity. is a world-leading supplier of specialist training and consultancy services. We help businesses and organizations with accredited training and certifications. These will help your employees develop their strengths and build on their skill sets. We can even tailor our e-learning courses to your corporate requirements. A better skill set leads to better performance and productivity. PMP and CAPM certifications and recognition of skills can also promote motivation. Today is the day to invest in your employee.