Here you will find a wealth of information about PMI qualifications, from basic overviews of our courses, to specific advice. This page also hosts a number of reports about the project management industry, straight from PMI.
While many training organizations offer a high quality educational experience, here is a list of reasons why you should choose a PMI Registered Education Provider.
Find out whether you should pursue a project management certification. See the prerequisites and benefits of becoming PMI-certified.
Find out how many PMI members there are in the world, what qualifications they hold, and more in this fact file.
Even in a weak economy, agile organizations can still thrive. This report shows the importance of risk management, change management and standardized practices.
From PMI, this guide to Registered Education Providers explains the REP program and online directory, making it easy for you to find the right training.
Read PMI’s growth report, and find out how the global demand for project managers will vastly outnumber the supply within the next decade.
The number of PMOs is on the rise, but their role is ambiguous. PMI reveals the importance of aligning PMOs to the organization’s goals.
The classification of professional development units changed after 1 December 2015. This illustration explains how the update to the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program affects your PDUs.
There is a gap in the number of professionals prepared to lead and manage projects. Find out how to ensure success with smart recruiting.
Discover the benefits of PMI membership – networking with project management experts, advancing your career, access to powerful resources, and more.
This study from PMI demonstrates that organizations with effective portfolio management meet or exceed expected ROI.
See the full list of descriptions, prerequisites, costs, and exam formats for all PMI certifications.
The 2015 PMI annual survey reveals how much is being wasted on poor program and project performance, along with the need for basic best practice principles.